Sunday, 24 March 2013

Amritsar Golden Temple

Why Should You See Amritsar Golden Temple

" """" " Harmandir Sahib is one of the oldest and the most revered temples of India; it is the Mecca of the Sikh religion followers. The upper towers of the complex are covered with gold, so that’s why it is also known as the Amritsar Golden Temple. If you are interested in travelling to India, you’ll definitely have to visit this spectacular complex.

The history of the temple dates back to the year of 1577, when Guru Ram Das (the fourth Sikh Guru) digged the pond, named as Lake Amritsar, around which the city began to grow. In fact, the construction of the temple started in 1588, when the foundation stone in the middle of the lake was laid; in 1604 the building was completed. From this period the holy original scriptures of Sikhs - a collection of hymns and the practice guide of a prayer called “Adi Granth” written by the fifth Guru Arjan Dev are kept in in Harmandir Sahib.

Harmandir Sahib is the central temple of the Sikh religion in India. The road to the entrance to the temple lies through a narrow marble bridge across the pond, which waters are considered to be curative. Pilgrims believe that it consists of the elixir of immortality and the holy water. The road over the bridge symbolizes the path from sin to righteousness.

The temple is open for entry to all four sides of the world, which is quite symbolic; thus, the Golden Temple is available for all nationalities and religions. The temple welcomes a hundred thousand visitors daily; it is opened almost all the time of the day and closed only four hours at night, from 23.00 to 03.00 hours.

Majestic beauty and splendor of the Golden Temple can be considered to be its outstanding hallmark. Gold coating gives the impression that the temple is carved out of a huge chunk of gold. The interior finish also impresses with its precious inlays, ornaments, gilts.

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