Thursday, 21 March 2013

Darbar Sahib

 The Most Splendid Temple Of The World Harmandir Sahib is the central temple of the Sikhs in Amritsar, north-west India. This is one of the oldest and most revered temples of India. Golden Temple Amritsar sanctuary is the spiritual center for the millions of Sikhs around the world. Amritsar city, one of the worldwide-known religious centers, was founded in the sixteenth century around the so-called Lake of Immortality (its waters are considered to be sacred, and anyone can wash away his sins with a dip in it). The temple itself consists of bronze, gold leaf and marble. The dome and the walls are made from copper plates, and the top is coated with gold. It is believed that more than 400kg of pure gold was needed to create a dome. The architecture of the temple contains both Hindu and Muslim elements. The sanctuary has four entrances on each side of the four sides. Thus, the temple symbolizes openness to all people, regardless of their social status or religious preferences. The temple complex is an area with an artificial lake in the center of which stands the temple. Its first floor is made of white marble, and the second one as well as all the domes are made of gold. The walls are decorated with stunning stucco, mosaics and carvings. The tourists have a unique chance to listen to the sacred hymns performed by the temple’s musicians. A lot of comers throw them coins, which are then collected by officers of the temple with a mop, to avoid formation of coin mountains, as the temple is visited by 30,000 people daily. One will also notice temple’s readers sitting on each floor of the Temple in front of the “Adi Granth Sahib” book and quietly reciting the scriptures. By the way, orisons’ chanting continues day after day, without stopping even for a minute.

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